The new launchers on the Saar-4.5 corvettes of IDF

During recent Netanyahu’s visit to Haifa naval base provided the photos of new launchers on the Saar-4.5 ships.


dzx 7atvsaamrlh - naval post- naval news and information

There has been speculation they are for IAI’s Green Dragon loitering munition but later it it said that they are not Green Dragon launchers as IDF saying.

dzx j60uyaa44rg - naval post- naval news and information

A website in Russia reported an Israeli Saar IV/V is now fitted with at Hero-900 drone launcher in place of the MK15 Phalanx mounting.

hero 900 for br - naval post- naval news and information

It is seen on some photos that the new system has a new antenna similar to a firecontrol radar shape.

2019021507 - naval post- naval news and information

So what do you think? A new missile like US RAM PDMS (Because it is replaced the Phalanx) or a loitering drone?