Wednesday, May 8, 2024


How do aircraft detect submarines?

Far above the ocean’s surface, aircraft hunt for an unseen enemy below the waves is extremely complex and difficult. Finding enemy submarines in a real-world situation is like "finding a needle in a haystack." Anti-submarine missions can involve a...

What is NATO’s role for Submarine Search and Rescue Operations?

The sinking of the Indonesian Submarine KRI Nanggala-402 caused the death of 53 submariners and this incident brought attention to submarine search and rescue operations again. As a leading military alliance in this era, NATO's role in submarine search...

How do submarines communicate with the outside world?

Communication with submarines is a field within military communications that presents technical challenges and requires specialized technology. Because radio waves do not travel well through good electrical conductors like salt water, submerged submarines are cut off from radio communication with their command authorities at ordinary radio frequencies. Submarines can surface and...

How deep can a submarine dive?

Recently, the naval community worldwide felt the flame in their hearts because of the KRI Nanggala incident. After the search and rescue efforts lasted a few days, debris of the Indonesian submarine was found in 838 meters depth. As...

Why do submarines have higher top speed when fully submerged?

Two principal factors causing the reduction in surface speed of submarine are cavitation and drag.Drag The modern submarines are designed to operate fully submerged, so they have less drag when submerged than on the surface. There is more than one...

Why are submarines so hard to find?

Nicknamed the "Silent Service," submarines are considered the most survivable weapons-delivery platform.Submarine detection and monitoring was traditionally the exclusive domain of highly classified military units specializing in naval anti-submarine warfare (ASW). Military ASW employs technologies such as magnetic anomaly...

How is Life in a Submarine?

It is small. There are very few spaces on a submarine where you could extend your arms and spin around without hitting something. When you walk down the passageway (hallway) you tend to walk with your right shoulder...

Why are diesel-electric submarines quieter than nuclear submarines? Are they quieter in both diesel and electric mode, or just electric?

The motion makes noises. When underwater objects vibrate, they create sound-pressure waves that alternately compress and decompress the water molecules as the sound wave travels through the sea. Sound waves radiate in all directions away from the source like...

ORCA X-Large UUV to relief submarine fleet of the US Navy

It is no secret how much the U.S. Navy places great emphasis on unmanned systems. Chief of the Navy outline this issue while promulgating the "Advantage at Sea" strategy, which declares the future naval policy. According to the Advantage...

How many nuclear submarines have been sunk?

The nuclear submarines are the weapons that should be used very carefully, considering the probability of nature and personnel damage caused by the nuclear reactor it carries. Today, six countries deploy some form of nuclear-powered strategic submarines: the United...

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