Egyptian and French Navies Carry Out Ramses 2021 Exercise

Exercise Ramses 2021 (Image: Egyptian MoD)
Exercise Ramses 2021 (Image: Egyptian MoD)

The Egyptian and French naval forces carried out Exercise Ramses 2021 in the Red Sea on Sunday. Both countries’ air forces also participated in the joint exercise.

The joint drills were conducted within the framework of the Egyptian Armed Forces General Command’s plan. The aim of the exercise was to increase the level of training of Egyptian forces, and exchange experiences with the armed forces of brotherly and friendly countries.

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Image: French Navy

The naval training conducted with the participation of the Egyptian Gowind Class Corvette (Al-Fateh) and the combat group accompanying the French aircraft carrier (Charles de Gaulle). 

A statement by the Egyptian military said that the training included joint activities that achieve maximum benefit for both sides.

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Image: French Navy

These drills come within the framework of supporting cooperation between Egypt and France to benefit from both countries’ capabilities in achieving the common interests of both sides and supporting security and stability in the region, an Egyptian army’s statement added.

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