Austal Limited (Austal) today announced (June 26) the United States Department of Defense has awarded Austal USA US$16,303,195 for a cost-plus-fixed fee to a previously awarded contract.
The order provides for Littoral Combat Ship class design service, including integrated data and product model environment (IDPME) support. Austal will provide class design products including technical analyses, engineering, configuration management, software maintenance and development, production assessment, diminishing manufacturing sources and sea-frame
reliability analysis.
The work will be conducted by Austal USA across the Mobile, Alabama and Pittsfield, Massachusetts facilities for completion by June 2019.
“The LCS has a significant economic footprint in the United States, supporting tens of thousands of jobs through the contributions of more than 900 local suppliers in 41 states involved in the program,” Austal CEO, David Singleton said.
“Austal is very proud of the LCS Program and we are focused on providing the most cost-effective and capable small surface combatants in the world for the US Navy” he said.
The Littoral Combat Ship is a 127m, Frigate sized vessel built at Austal’s facility in Mobile, Alabama. The program is operating at a full rate of production with two vessels already delivered in 2018 and a further six ships currently under construction. A further two, LCS28 and LCS30 (USS
Canberra) are in the pre-construction phase.