The steel cutting ceremony of the first “Doha” class corvette ordered to Fincantieri by the Qatari Ministry of Defence within the national naval acquisition programme, took place on July 30 at the Muggiano (La Spezia) yard.
The contract, amounting for Fincantieri to approx. 4 billion euros, envisages the supply of seven surface vessels, of which four corvettes, one amphibious vessel (LPD – Landing Platform Dock), and two patrol vessels (OPV – Offshore Patrol Vessel) as well as support services in Qatar for further 10 years after the delivery of the vessels. All the units will be entirely built in Fincantieri Italian shipyards starting from this year.
The first “Doha” class corvette will be about 107 meters long, 14.70 meters wide, with a maximum speed of 28 knots. It will be equipped with a combined diesel and diesel turbine plant (CODAD) and will be able to accommodate 112 persons on board, of whom 98 of the crew.
The vessel will be capable of operating high-speed boats such as RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) through lateral cranes or a hauling ramp located at the far stern. The flight deck and hangar are sized for hosting one NH90 helicopter.