Elettronica announces the signature of a supply contract with Fincantieri for the Electronic Warfare Suite of the new submarines of the Italian Navy, in the framework of the U212 NFS Programme managed by OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement). The contract includes the provision of two suites for the first batch of platforms and two additional systems as an option for future batches.
Elettronica is already supplier of the Electronic Warfare equipment in the framework of FREMM and PPA Programmes managed by OCCAR and aims to extend the cooperation to EU co-funded projects.
The Suite has an integrated RESM/CESM antenna. Two further antennas are also part of the system, the first with surveillance and detection tasks in the radar band, the latter as a warning antenna. It relies on a Software-defined architecture, strongly reducing the HW component for a significant improvement of the operational availability while granting easier maintenance and faster updates. The EW Suit will be provided with an Electronic Warfare Management Unit able to collect and manage in an integrated way the information coming from both Radar and Communications EW Sensors enabling an enhanced tactical and strategic awareness of the EW scenario that is mandatory to support Self-Protection, Surveillance and Intelligence operations.
“We are very proud to equip the Italian Navy U212 NFS Submarines, a high profile and performance asset encompassing the excellences of the National Industry for the benefit of the Italian Navy and its operational readiness. We are proud to enrich the versatility of this platform through an Electronic Warfare Suite representing the ideal combination of experience, maturity and innovation, thus offering high performances on the entire communications and radar bands, while ensuring excellent self-protection capabilities and wide Intelligence information gathering”, said Domitilla Benigni, COO & CEO of Elettronica.
Check out Naval Library App to find out the specifications of U212 Class Submarines