U.S. Naval Special Warfare Center Resumes Paused SEAL and SWCC Training

Photo Credit: U.S. Navy

Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Center of the U.S. Navy resumed two paused phases of its SEAL and Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman (SWCC) selection-and-assessment training, the U.S. Navy announced on 4th May.

NSW Center, which oversees the initial and advanced training of the Sailors who make up the Navy’s SEAL and Special Boat teams, paused instruction of three of its 12 cohorts, March 16. The final paused phase is scheduled to restart May 11.

Instructors will continue to wear facemasks and gloves, when practical, and make sure students perform daily COVID-19 screenings. Classes will maximize bubble-to-bubble travel to limit personal contact outside their cohort and remain on base until after the completion of BUD/S Hell Week and its SWCC counterpart, The Tour.

Trainees in the SEAL and SWCC training pipelines will also see a heavy emphasis placed on social distancing within their own cohort.

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