Russian Naval Aviation exercise in Pacific

Photo Source: Wikipedia

Russia’s Pacific Fleet kicked off a series of tactical drills in the distant maritime zone in the Far East involving over 20 naval aviation aircraft and helicopters, the Fleet’s press office reported on 30th March.

“In compliance with the combat training plan, over 20 aircraft and helicopters of the Pacific Fleet’s naval aviation are involved in accomplishing missions as part of a series of the Fleet’s tactical drills in the distant maritime zone,” the press office said in a statement.

“In particular, Tu-142 and Il-38 anti-submarine warfare aircraft are operating from the aerodromes in the Primorye Region and Kamchatka, sharpening the tactical techniques of searching for and identifying submarines on their own and as part of a group and also tracking them with the help of radars and sonars,” the statement says.

The anti-submarine aircraft are also providing a tactical background for organizing the air defense of the ships’ tactical groups and are operating under the common scenario with anti-submarine warfare surface action groups, according to the statement.

Kamov Ka-27PL anti-submarine warfare helicopters are practising similar missions. For the time of the drills, they have been moved to aircraft-carrying ships. These helicopters are also reconnoitiring the ice situation in the area of the forces’ operation, the Fleet’s press office reported.

Tupolev Tu 95 6906568850 - Naval Post- Naval News and Information
Tupolev Tu-142

Source : TASS