Russian Baltic Fleet to conduct drills with participation over 20 assets

Photo Source :Sputnik

The Russian Baltic Fleet’s naval group comprising over 20 ships and vessels has deployed to the sea for accomplishing combat training assignments during tactical drills, the Fleet’s press office reported on Friday (14th February).

“As part of the maneuvers, corvettes, missile and amphibious assault ships, coastal-type minesweepers, landing boats and auxiliary vessels have deployed to the Baltic Fleet’s combat training naval ranges to hold a set of tactical drills,” the press office said in a statement.

At sea, the Baltic Fleet’s ships and vessels will carry out a set of anti-submarine warfare drills, practice delivering notional missile strikes against the enemy ships and perform artillery firings at the Fleet’s naval ranges, firings against air and sea targets of various complexity and will land military hardware onto the unequipped coast, the statement says.

During the drills, the ships’ crews will also practice searching for and eliminating a notional submarine, conducting electronic launches of missile weapons and repelling a massive air strike, according to the statement.

“The deployment to the sea was preceded by measures to practice training course assignments during the anchorage at the base. The crews of the Fleet’ ships will be accomplishing combat training missions for several days,” the press office said.

Source: TASS Agency / Russia

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Photo Courtesy : Vitaly Nevar