The UNIFIL Maritime Task Force (MTF) carried out tactical maneuvering exercises with all six Task Force assets in the Area of Maritime Operations (AMO) off coast of Lebanon on June 14.
The purpose of the exercise was to train the crews of the UNIFIL-MTF component ships, in order to contribute to the maintenance of interoperability and coordination between the units of the Task Force. UNIFIL-MTF is the only United Nations peacekeeping component of the United Nations peacekeeping mission and has since been carrying out the Maritime Interdiction Operations.
With the support of its multinational staff, MTF has been training the Lebanese Navy since the operation started. Currently, ships from Germany, Bangladesh, Brazil, Greece, Indonesia and Turkey has been participating UNIFIL maritime operations, and two organic helicopters as well.
The UNIFIL Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Frédéric Boucher (France), attended the exercises onboard flagship Independência (F-44).