Romanian-hosted multinational Poseidon 21 mine countermeasures exercise commenced on 27th February with participation of Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group-2 (SNMCMG-2) in the Black Sea.
Commander of SNMCMG-2, a Turkish senior officer who assumed the command of the group recently, announced that the first day at sea on 01 March 2021 gave the opportunity to the units to sharpen their seamanship skills while conducting serialized exercises via Twitter.
Poseidon 21:
Poseidon 21 is part of NATO’s Program of Combined Joint Enhanced Training to enhance security on its southeastern European flank as well as to ensure a continued presence in the region.
The exercise began with an opening ceremony that held in Constanza of Romania. The main objective of the exercise is to practice anti-submarine and air defense, hydrographic reconnaissance, detection and disposal of sea mines and improvised explosive devices. The joint forces will repel the attack of enemy aircraft, surface ships and submarines. The towing of the damaged ship, refueling at sea and first aid will also be worked out.
In addition to the sea activities, a harbour phase is also planned in the exercises, during which the action of the joint military and police forces will be worked out during the explosion of a hydraulic structure.
Totally 13 ships and 9 aircraft from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Spain, France and the United States have been participating in the exercise.