Naval Articles
The Russian Spider: Karakurt Class Corvette
The Karakurt class (Russian designation Project 22800) is the latest corvette class which has been construced currently for the Russian Navy. The name of the class comes from latrodectus tredecimguttatus, a deadly widow spider.The class is intended to be...
Naval Articles
SeaFox – The Riskless Solution of Atlas Elektronik for Mine Disposal
What's SeaFox?The Seafox is an anti-mine marine drone. It is a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) manufactured by German company Atlas Elektronik to positively identify mines with a camera linked to the surface via a fibre-optic cable and destroy them...
Naval Articles
China Becoming Concern for U.S. Commanders in Europe
It seems counter-intuitive, but China is increasingly a concern for the commander of U.S. Naval Forces in Europe and Africa and NATO's Allied Joint Force Command.Navy Adm. James G. Foggo told the participants of a webinar sponsored by the International Institute...
Naval Articles
Article: A torpedo for tomorrow’s needs by Saab
Saab has have conducted the first tests with the Saab Lightweight Torpedo (SLWT) from a corvette and a submarine, recently. After the successful trials, the article released by Saab as follows.The Baltic Sea is one of the most demanding...
Naval Articles
Counter Hypersonics: Defeating the Invincible (Hypersonic Weapons Part-3)
How to stop Hypersonic Weapons?The best approach is a network of satellites so far. Defenders with capable terrestrial and space sensors will have only a few minutes to know these missiles are inbound, and lesser adversaries will likely not have...
Naval Articles
Hypersonic missiles and glide projectiles are those which travel at least Mach 5, or five times faster than the speed of sound. In round numbers, this equates to a speed of about a mile a second. For comparison, even...
Naval Articles
Do you know that Pepsi was the 6th largest naval power in the world?
The title of the article may seem strange to readers. Even some of them may rightly think there is a typo here. Because it is really hard to use the words "Pepsi" and "military power" in the same sentence....
Naval Articles
Why did the US Navy choose Fincantieri’s FREMM-based frigates instead of a US shipbuilding company?
The U.S. Department of Defense awarded Fincantieri U.S. subsidiary, Marinette Marine (FMM), a nearly 800 million dollar contract for the concept design and construction of the first-in-class guided-missile frigate of the “FFG(X)” program for the U.S. Navy last week.The contract envisages an option for 9 additional ships,...
Naval Articles
A gamechanger weapon: Supercavitating Torpedo
Torpedo attack is the worst nightmare of a surface combatant. Because, while it is necessary to launch a dozen of guided missiles to neutralize a destroyer with air-defence capability, only one torpedo is enough to sink it aside. Especially...
Naval Articles
India’s push for a strong Nuclear Triad in the IOR
India is officially the third-highest military spender in the word at about 71 Billion US$, third only to its nemesis-in-a-garb, China.A nuclear triad refers to a three-legged ability to launch nuclear warheads from three different realms. It includes;the...
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NATO Ships Participate in ITA MINEX 22, Mare Aperto
Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) participated in Exercise Mare Aperto-Italian Mine Warfare Exercise 22 (ITA MINEX-22) in...